5 Home Remedies for Under Eye Dark Circles

The dilemma of dark circles is faced by both men and women. One could feel awful when they appear because they make you look unhealthy, tired, or older. And when they appear you could become self-conscious of your appearance. But remember nobody is perfect even the most famous and successful people have had their fair share of imperfections and things they fall short on.

The area of skin around the eyes is considered sensitive, and to get rid of dark circles it is better to abstain from products that are chemical based. But fret not, because we have come up with 5 home remedies to treat under-eye dark circles at home. By the end of this article, you’ll be armed with enough knowledge to treat your dark circles. Keep on reading to get yourself enlightened about what causes dark circles to appear in the first place.

Causes of Dark Circles

  • Excessive exposure to sun
  • Aging (as you age the skin around the eyes becomes thin and the production of collagen in your body decreases resulting in becoming blood vessels under the eyes prominent)
  • Lack of sleep
  • Allergies (atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, contact dermatitis)
  • Dehydration (lack of drinking water)
  • Pigmentation
  • Genetics (individuals with a family history of dark circles under the eyes are prone to develop such conditions)
  • Sudden loss in weight
  • Smoking

No matter how many skincare routines we follow or products we use, everybody is bound to show the signs of aging sooner or later because that’s how our body works, and it also includes having under eye dark circles. But taking essential remedies and making informed decisions will allow you to take care of your body in a healthy way.

5 Home Remedies to Treat Dark Circles at Home

Now you know what causes dark circles to appear. You can follow these home remedies, which do not include any harsh chemicals, to treat your dark circles.

1. Aloe Vera Gel

As we know the signs of aging occur rapidly on dry skin and the gel of aloe vera is considered to be an impressive moisturizer. It prevents the premature process of aging and helps nourish the skin.

How to use: This home remedy requires you to take aloe vera gel and massage under your eye area. You can also combine different options like rosewater, lemon juice, and honey with aloe vera gel to make a mask for your under-eye dark circles. Leave the gel of aloe vera for 15 minutes under your eye area. Wash afterward. 

2. Cold Tea Bags

An ingredient that you use almost on a daily basis is tea. Try to save those tea bags this time instead of throwing them into the garbage. A cold bag of tea is an effective method to counter dark circles as the caffeine in the tea can help in constricting the blood vessels under the eyes leading to a reduction in the flow of blood which results in relief from under-eye dark circles.

How to use: Take hot water in a cup. Add 2 bags of tea ( use chamomile tea or green tea bags preferably). Let the tea steep for 10 minutes. Squeeze the water out of the tea bags with the help of a spoon. Refrigerate until the bags get cold. Place them gently on both of your eyes for approximately 10n to 15 minutes. It will act as a cold compress and will help in reliving under-eye dark circles.

3. Potatoes

Potatoes are a natural source of vitamin C which boosts the production of collagen resulting in improved skin texture, and younger & healthier-looking skin.

How to use: Take a raw potato and grate it. Extract the juice using a clean cotton cloth. Dip 2 cotton balls and place them under your eyes for about 10 minutes. Rinse with water afterward.

4. Cucumber

On television, we’ve all seen cold compresses in the form of cucumber. It’s because it is known to have astringent properties and helps in lightening the skin. So, you can definitely use cucumbers to fix your dark circles problem.

How to use: Take fresh cucumber and cut it into thick slices. Put the slices into the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Leave the cold slices of cucumber for about 10-15 minutes onto your eyes. Rinse the area around your eyes afterward.

5. Tomatoes

The next home remedy in line for treating dark circles is tomatoes. A substance called lycopene is found in tomatoes that aid the skin to become softer and supple. It also helps in decreasing the appearance of under-eye dark circles.

How to use: Make a mixture consisting of tomato juice (1 teaspoon) and lemon (1 teaspoon). Using a ball of cotton, apply the mixture under both of your eyes. Let the mixture of these juices sit for at least 10 minutes. Rinse with water afterward.

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, the discussed home remedies for under-eye dark circles offer an economical and natural approach to restoring your skin. While using these remedies remember that the key to getting rid of dark circles is consistency and individual is different so the driven results may vary. Whether, it’s the refreshed cold tea bags, the soothing slices of cucumber, or the fresh potato juice, everyone can take benefit from these remedies to get rid of dark circles. It’s time for you to try out these home remedies and say goodbye to under-eye dark circles. 


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