7 DIY Home Remedies to Treat Blackheads on Face

Irrespective of gender or age, anyone can be affected by a skin concern known as ‘Blackheads’. Commonly found on the nose, chin, or forehead, they appear out of nowhere and if you are struggling with the same issue, this is the right place for you. In this article, we’ve explored different causes of blackheads, and some treatment options to get rid of blackheads. Keep on reading to discover some effective home remedies to treat blackheads at home.

A mixture of bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells clog the hair follicles, which causes the formation of blackheads. A bump on the surface of the skin forms due to this buildup mixture in the pore and because the area is exposed to air it causes oxidation resulting in it turning black in color.

Causes of Blackheads

  • Production of excess sebum
  • Changes in hormones
  • Dead skin cells buildup
  • Cosmetics or medications
  • Bacteria (particularly acne known as Propionibacterium Acnes)

Treatment Options for Blackheads

  • Light therapy (laser resurfacing, or photodynamic therapy) or laser
  • Chemical peels
  • Salicylic acid
  • Topical retinoids
  • Skincare treatments (dermaplaning, facials, or microdermabrasion)
  • Medications

It is advisable to consult professional skin care or a dermatologist because they can better determine the suitable treatment option for your skin type. 

7 DIY Home Remedies to Treat Blackheads

1. Cinnamon and Honey

Cinnamon helps in the circulation of blood and antibacterial properties are found in honey which aids in removing blackheads. Make a paste by mixing 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply this paste onto your skin and leave it on for about 10-15 minutes. Rinse afterward. Use this remedy once a week.

2. Baking Soda and Water

Baking soda is a natural exfoliator that helps in removing the dead cells of the skin. It has antibacterial properties and also aids in balancing the pH level of skin resulting in decreasing the likelihood of the formation of blackheads. Take baking soda and water in equal parts to make a paste. Message this paste onto the areas with blackheads. After 2 or 3 minutes rinse with lukewarm water. Use this home remedy once a week to avoid over-exfoliation.

3. Steam Facial

An effective and gentle remedy to treat blackheads is a steam facial. Take hot water in a bowl. Place your face about 9-12 inches above the bowl making sure your face is not too close and cover your head with a piece of towel large enough to trap the steam. Let your face steamed for at least 10-15 minutes which will help in opening the pores. Rinse afterward with cool water to tighten up the pores of your skin. Analyzing your skin condition, you can do a steam facial as much as you need, or once a week is enough.

4. Green Tea Toner

Antioxidants are found in green tea which helps in the reduction of inflammation and aid in minimizing blackheads. Take a cup of water in a pot and brew green tea in it. Let it sit until it cools down. With the help of a cotton pad, apply green tea onto your face and let it air dry. Use this twice or thrice a week.

5. Sugar and Lemon Juice Scrub

Sugar helps in the exfoliating of the skin and the juice of lemon works as an astringent. Take 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and mix them. Scrub your face gently in regular motion for 2-3 minutes focusing on the areas with blackheads. Rinse afterward. Use this scrub once or twice a week regularly to see better results.

6. Egg White Mask

A popular DIY mask for treating blackheads is an egg white mask. This mask can help in tightening of the skin which results in the temporary removal of blackheads. Take an egg white in a bowl, and whisk until it forms a frothy texture. Apply this onto your face using a finger or a brush. Take tissue paper strips and place them on your face while the egg white is still wet. Apply the second layer of egg white on the stripes of tissue. Wait until the mask is completely dry and then gently peel it off. You can use this egg-white mask occasionally.

7. Yogurt and Oatmeal Mask

Oatmeal when grounded acts as an exfoliator, while yogurt has lactic acid which aids in keeping the skin moisturized. Both ingredients have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties which helps in reducing blackheads. Make a paste by mixing 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Apply this paste onto your face and let it sit for at least 15-20 minutes. Rinse afterward. This mask will help in unclogging the pores and absorb excess oil from the skin. Use this mask of yogurt and oatmeal once or twice a week.

Reminder: Remember to always patch test before using these DIY home remedies for blackheads. These remedies can be a supportive part of your routine of skincare but the key to seeing the desired results is consistency. Consult a dermatologist for the persistent blackhead problem.

The Final Comment

Blackheads are a frustrating and common concern of the skin, but consistent efforts and informed decisions can let you get rid of these skin imperfections. Whether you are opting for DIY home remedies or professional options for treating blackheads, it is crucial to remember what works for one individual may not work for the other one. It is best to consult a professional in this regard. Practice good hygiene, be mindful of the products that you are using on your skin, and be gentle with your skin. Let’s start this journey of radiant and smoother skin.


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